Monday, May 16, 2005

of salons, parties and maids

squeeze. that's the uptown swanky salon owned by prasad bidappa. it's next door. and so sanat headed there. "models come there." sure enough, there were model-types hanging out getting various parts of their bodies attended to. mr. rao got a cool hair cut, but came back saying "models don't cut your hair there!" -- he thot models cut the hair, not come there to get their hair cut ;) trust mr. rao!!

jibran's party: 15th may, 6pm, diamond district.
there are little alcoves in bangalore where, if you can imagine it for a moment, it feels like you are in a desi party in the US. same chandler-type crowd, kurtis and pants, neckwear and mojris. only the food is out of this world and the women running after kids are not the ladies of the house, but decked-up maids! and so, the parents mingle, laugh and enjoy a dance without a care in the world. the talk is of nights out after the kids are in bed "i have a full-time, yaar" referring to the live-in maid. and so maggis, ruhis, premas, sarsammas, parvathammas and mandabais become an essential part of lifestyle here. "cannot think of 2 years here, man, without maids!" "maids?" oh yeah. not one, not two, but three is the norm :)

and so mr. rao is waiting for "delegating everything." until the said 3 maids arrive, i will have to do ;) ha ha ha -- just kidding.

but seriously, there is a thriving sub-culture of maids in bangalore. our purported bengali one never turned up fr the "interview" so the kannada maid will start from 25th. our first maid (the one who cleans and dusts) has recommended her and the consensus is that the maids have to get along, so the best reference is from an existing maid! two maids rich we are now :)

he he he. i sounds like a bedouin or a tangier tribesman, dealing in maids and talking riches in maid-strength!


Blogger Supriya Kumar said...

jeez. life in uptown B'lore sounds like what's described in "Moth Smoke" (Mohsin Hamid). Have you read that? If not, I strongly recommend it.
Food there sounds great. Wish I could come over and eat some nice chicken tikka right now! mmm.

4:20 AM  

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