Thursday, October 06, 2005

living in the past...

one thing lead to another, like things should. and as i researched and read, i clicked and scrolled and read some more, i found a mesh of people who seem to think like me, be like me, like what i like, do what i do. do what i want to do. and sometimes i find threads in that mesh are only 2 degrees of separation away. it's like finding a stash of letters in an attic and discovering old friends once lived there. oh and yes, all these likeminded souls are of the female ilk and journalists. and so now i have suddenly a handful of blog sites i will be checking, over a morning cuppa on an idle saturday. deepa, ramya, uma, etc.etc. ;)

but i miss flesh and blood sitting across from me under huge walnut trees discussing inane books. i miss huddling over gazpacho in a bakery on a sunday morning talking unchangeable life stories. i miss taking off work to paint pottery in overalls. i miss walking out after a play, mesmerized by bialistocknbloom. i miss waiting forever on cold nights getting giddy and light over hopeless tequila and fiery salsa. i miss forgetting how conversations ended simply because i was too sozzled. i miss pretending i was sober when the ground swam dizzyingly in front of my glassy eyes and my friends danced on chairs. i miss those thai lunches followed by sickly sweet starbucks brews and groans of meeting-filled afternoons. i miss giggling like a hysterical schoolgirl over friends' driving habits and then soberly discussing life goals that changed every week.

yes, i have different things to do now -- even more exciting things. but i miss those laughs and highs and just having a girlfriend share the joys and sighs.


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