Tuesday, September 28, 2010

looking up, looking down

agumbe, karnataka, sept 25-26, 2010.

it was a bittersweet visit. like bevu-bella. two and a half hours after reaching beautiful agumbe, i dunked my camera and two lenses in the stream i was wading through, rendering it all pretty useless for any further records :) however, that interlude sang a sweet, wet, green and beautiful melody -- like the most magnificent rainforests do. the rest of the days i soaked in the slippery wonders, with little more than my nikon monarch binocs slung over my shoulder. bliss. bliss, bliss. no complaints.

more of my days should be made of this!

looking up: A 3rd order stream we waded through for about 2km. knee-deep water and one slippery stone claimed my photography gear ;-)

looking down: i am captivated by lowly fungi and mosses

looking up: high on a bark moss flowers and life spawns forth

looking down: a little calotes right outside the research center

looking down: an amazing pond with huge bicolor (?) tadpoles

looking down: a log by the stream sported a fractal-like moss pattern

looking down: the king rests. a wild king cobra. 

looking up: a green vine snake flicks its tongue as it inches forward towards a branch. a captivating character, this one.

looking up: a moss curls its way up a twig

looking up: a hammerhead flatworm

looking up: moss flowers high up 

looking up: no bare barks here... velvet gown by mossimo verde ;-)

looking down: bracket fungi came in all hues and patterns

looking down: a stick insect keeps an eye on us.
looking up: not too many large trees here, the forest is just about 60 yrs or so old. heavy logging pre-independence for railway sleepers took a toll on this area. the trees nevertheless are a joy to behold, sphagnum, climbers, lianas and all.


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