Tuesday, February 07, 2006

stop us if you can

sorry, terr. couldnt resist a stunning parallel with your life.

humans came over one evening. some invited, some spontaneous, all very welcome. anyone who knows us, knows we can be loud. very loud. but this time, truth be told, half the humans had gone out to pretend they were chimneys. the rest sat lounging and snacking, chatting and bantering. a couple prefering privacy, hung out in the balcony whispering, when the doorbell rang.

i was certain it was the chimneys causing the complaint, but no. "saary, saar. please keep vaice down. some neighbors are complaining." haan? a finger went in the direction of the said "neighbors" and anonymous they were not, any longer.

bbb... but it's 9:30pm! heavens, some humans had only just arrived. oh ok, fine, we resigned. the whispering two came indoors and resumed close-talking. the rest pretended it didnt apply to them.

an hour later, pictionary. despite the supposed calm of the activity of drawing, decibels were rising slowly, spasmodic shrieks at inane suggestions were accompanied by guffaws... and a doorbell.

same security chap. "saary again sir. they [finger again pointing in the relevant direction] want you to close the doors when you have party." his embarassment was palpable.

the whisperers, chimneys (who had since returned) and other random humans proceeded to analyze what these 'complaining neighbors' must be like. giggling, guffawing rolling eyes pitched questions at the embarassed hosts. "are they old?" "why cant they live in a villa?" "who goes to sleep at 9:30 on a saturday night?" the hosts looked embarassed and amused in equal measure and apologised in spite of themselves, fuelling more amusement in the visiting humans. and the revelry continued albeit behind closed doors.

anyone who knows us, knows that these humans were not easily quashed under wet blankets.

well all was done and dispersed, suns had risen and set, a Circular arrived. These arrive with predictable regularity after any incident that riles one of the "committee members" in the apartment complex.

"No parties after 11pm. please close your doors after 9pm. do not move furniture after 8pm."

saar, swalpa adjusht maadi.


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