Sunday, February 19, 2006

pill vill pyar vyar

the guys were thrilled about their 'pill.'
S: it's awesome man. take one 30 mins before the evening and the morning after is a breeze.
A: really? wow. now that is some pill, if true. I want one.
S: i have only two. i need one for tomorrow.
A: i want one.

this went on for some time while the girls exchanged quizzical glances that dissolved into giggles.

eventually, they had one each, spent the evening in revelry, woke the next morning and repeated the same. blissfully inebriated for 48 hours with none of the headache. the pill was wonderful.

the morning after:
A: can i get some more of these?
S: it's awesome man, yeah. will bring you a cartload next time.
A: (showing rare animation, clapping hands) Awesome!

it was nice seeing them after nine months. it was nice seeing everyone. the pleasure of sitting on a cool floor chatting (or not) -- simply soaking in the company of old friends -- was as refreshing as the cup of adrak chai i was sipping. this was the stuff my dreams were made of these nine months.

and the only thing that could beat their expressions when they saw me there was the frenetic beating of my own heart at the proposition of meeting them after so long. by the time i got to phoenix i had replayed how things would play out time and time again like a tune that refuses to go away. of course, it did not quite keep to script, but the effects were amazing, nevertheless.

the human mind is a curious thing. sometimes it frets and wails at change at first but then adapts easily. at other times it welcomes change early on but then longs for how things were. or maybe mine is just not as evolved as others. but one thing was certain. i felt at home where friends were.

when we go back (and we evenutally will), things may not quite be the same -- the novelty of us being there will wear out quickly, no doubt -- but for me, the value of these friends has only doubled with the distance. and i hope that will translate into more chai-time masti.

i did not get nearly enough time with anyone, being there for one short, short day, but that was my pill for the year.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait till you guys come back for good. Till then try and come as much as you can on "Work" ;)!!!


1:29 AM  

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