Tuesday, June 22, 2004

On the Last day of June

... sanjana just received her birthday gift -- yes, 20 days too soon. but she is thrilled. it is a train bed. i will upload some pics of her in her new playspace ;)
cannot wait for supi and sidd to arrive. the sheer joy of having family around is inexplicable. chatted for a delicious one hour with anu. talked about everything under the sun... isnt that what is wonderful about having a friend?!

later gator...

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

And so...

... it is one random evening. waiting for sanat to get back. sanjana and i are hanging out. exams lurking around the corner make me wish i had studied some last week. oh well. too bad.

waiting for ma and papa to arrive. but wait, there's more! before that supi and sidd will descend upon this peaceful home (yeahrrright!). just got a ton of photos developed. if i scan them, i'll put them up someplace. ok ok, you know how that goes.

now i look around me and i have books open at pages that look alien -- exchange rate determination -- ok, pass... continue looking around and i see sanjana reading a book. what a peaceful scene... like the lull before a storm. it is only a matter of minutes before the mitu-machine explodes and starts running around -- there i see her standing up! she attacks another book -- no a puzzle. "mom can you build this? i know how to open it... can you can you can you build it with me, mommy?

how can i refuse. OK. ciao!
coming sasha...

Friday, June 11, 2004

Our first blog

on a whim, created a blog. inspired by sadhu's fun narration, dedicated to the (virtual) nomadic aspirations of sanat, sanjana and arati...

see you soon :)