Monday, May 08, 2006

the only constant is change

one harmless evening in the red room, soon after we got home and were shaking off the propah clothes, i heard a small voice...

"hey baby drop it down
i wanna see you touch the ground
dont be shy mumble mumble
shake your body like belly dancer

hey baby...." ... whoa stop!!!

sanat and i exchanged pale deathly pale glances..... who was teaching her ... akon?! "oh we heard it in the bus." innocent enough and the kid goes on singing it like a musical toy that is wound over and over ad infinitum.

the kids had no clue what the song was about... we hoped. the lyrics were beyond comprehension, right? we desperately pleaded with reason. heck she's 4 1/2. a small knot began in the pit of my stomach.

ho! if i only knew what was to come.

turns out, one day sanjana's teacher was taking her potty when a 5 year-old boy followed them and peeped in. the teacher scolded him only to hear a second giggle. and then -

5-yr old 2: have you kissed sanjana yet?
5-yr old 1: (giggle) no
5-yr old 2: you should
more giggles.

the small knot in my stomach was joined by a big lump in my throat.

if your excuse to "go back to des" is to "bring up children properly" (whatever that means) find another one.